Levitt-villes in France
In 1965, William Levitt, America’s largest home builder and creator of the famous Levittowns,...
In 1965, William Levitt, America’s largest home builder and creator of the famous Levittowns,...
C’est dans la ville lorraine de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, en France, que le mot America fut édité pour la...
Photography reinvented itself in Mexico between the two World Wars, through numerous exchanges between...
Le mouvement du théâtre communautaire argentin, né dans les années 1980, est aujourd’hui une référence...
Figure légendaire de l’histoire antillaise et de l’univers des plantations, Solitude, l’héroïne du...
This collection focuses on analyses of artworks and brings together articles that examine the...
Photographic agencies developed at the beginning of the 20th century in the context of a rise of...
As the follow-on from a class project, this article presents a critical history of art exhibitions on...
Mesmo em um cenário historiográfico dominado por olhares globais, o interesse no Atlântico persiste –...
Diretamente ou por intermédio de instituições e atores não governamentais, os Estados tiveram papel...
When the “Sensation” exhibition travelled from London to New York in 1999, it seemed as though young...
À partir du foyer britannique, et en concomitance avec la création du football/soccer, le rugby se...
From swimming pools (five Olympic gold medals) to Hollywood, including his appearance in Tarzan,...
This article traces the transatlantic movements of the idea of alternative theater from the 1940s to...
Tournée vers le continent américain dès son origine, l’Alliance française développa ses propres...
Créée au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la Maison de la France d’Outre-mer, devenue Maison de l...
La diffusion du baseball hors du pays qui l’a vu naître peut paraître assez déroutante: très faible...
L’orientalisme hispano-américain est une dimension de la production littéraire hispanique depuis 1810....
Les littératures atlantiques ont été le véhicule privilégié de l'histoire culturelle du Monde...
The game marked a turning point in the sport’s history on both sides of the Atlantic. Due to...
If there is one Latin-American writer who embodies the fertility of intellectual and aesthetic...
Maradona es probablemente el personaje más importante de la cultura popular argentina entre finales...
La presse en langue étrangère, publiée d'un côté comme de l'autre de l'Atlantique, a joué un rôle...
The word Francophonie was created at the end of the 19th century in the context of French...
In the eighteenth century, natural mineral springs spurred the emergence of tourism and played a...
From its 1950s roots in Brazil to its proliferation around the world, the history of Theatre of the...
O artigo apresenta os principais processos envolvidos na produção e circulação da música gravada...
From 1947 to 1968, the long-scorned photo novel was one of Europe and Latin America’s most popular...
ICAIC foi o primeiro organismo cultural criado em Cuba após a Revolução, em acordo com a Lei 169 de 24...
Santiago Álvarez Román (1919-1998) foi um cineasta cubano, diretor dos Noticieros ICAIC, cinejornal...
The Muhammed Ali-George Foreman match for the world heavyweight title in Kinshasa was a “Black...
Boxing is a major modern sport. Codified in England at the end of the eighteenth century, it became a...
This paper charts the path of Todd Webb’s 1958 U.N.-commissioned photographs of colonial Africa across...
A major challenge for the Transatlantic Cultures project has been creating a historical periodization...
Grupos típicos de Pernambuco, Brasil, os maracatus expressam através de música, dança e rituais,...
A rubrica reúne textos que enfrentam o desafio de refletir sobre a rede transnacional que, sobretudo a...
A música popular é frequentemente analisada a partir de “gêneros musicais” nacionais. A historiografia...
Ruy Guerra (RG) nasceu em 22/08/1931, em Lourenço Marques (hoje Maputo), capital da colônia portuguesa...
Fernando Ortiz (1881-1969) desenvolveu uma obra pioneira que estabeleceu os fundamentos para o estudo...
Between the 18th and the 21st centuries, the musical transatlantic space has profoundly changed,...
In 1941, the influential publisher Henry Luce declared the century “American.” The United States’ new...
The Cold War was the heyday of state-orchestrated cultural diplomacy in the U.S., at a time when many...
A seção se ocupa das práticas históricas e culturais que envolvem o cinema no espaço transatlântico,...
Paulin Soumanou Vieyra (1925-1987) nasceu em Porto Novo (Benin). Estudou no Institut des hautes études...
Orson Welles was born in 1915 in Kenosha, Wisconsin, but he often told interviewers that he was “...
En 1953, la guerre froide pousse le président Eisenhower à créer une agence indépendante du...
The US-led Pan American Union, created in 1890, is generally understood as a form of soft power...
In the field of visual arts, the study of transatlantic exchange has seen recent growth in the...
The Performing Arts section brings together articles examining the transatlantic exchange of objects,...
Born in Douala in the 1950s, and strongly influenced by Ghanaian highlife music, Congolese rumba and...
O Franklin Book Programs foi um programa não governamental norte-americano dedicado à promoção do...
Beginning in the 18th century, the field of education has been characterized by intense transatlantic...
A dimensão transatlântica do projeto estético do cineasta brasileiro Glauber Rocha será discutida a...
La pensée éducative de John Dewey a connu une réception contrastée au cours du siècle qui s’est écoulé...
Usamos el concepto de “nuevos cines” para abordar un proceso que va desde mediados de los años...
Transatlantic memory and heritage evoke a permanent oscillation between universal and specific values,...
A revista Cine Cubano, criada em 1960, promoveu por mais de quatro décadas a circulação de notícias e...
This essay traces the cultural legacy of the Titanic disaster in 1912 in literature, art, cinema, and...
Este artigo apresenta as redes estabelecidas pelo diretor de cinema Chris Marker. Se não é possível...
American Studies was meant to emancipate U.S. culture from its British tutelage. It became a tool of...
Amália Rodrigues (1920-1999) foi responsável pela popularização do fado em seu país e nas colônias...
Nascida no Brasil como um grande marco para a música popular, conforme sua circulação pelo mundo, a...
Nos anos 1940s e 1950s, as artes latino-americanas se tornaram um campo de batalha e o folclore foi...
Cycling has gone through standardization and modernization processes that have functionally brought...
Um panorama sobre a história das histórias em quadrinhos em perspectiva transatlântica, com foco nas...
Sarah Ducados, conhecida como Sarah Maldoror, é considerada a primeira mulher negra a fazer cinema na...
Como Casa-Grande & Senzala, principal obra de Gilberto Freyre, navegou por diferentes cenários e...
O Atlântico Sul é um espaço de circulação abordado em três períodos distintos. O primeiro se inicia...
Em 1719, o romance de Daniel Defoe, Vida e Aventuras de Robinson Crusoe, teve inúmeras edições e se...
This article on the circulation of books in the transatlantic space starts with a historically datable...
From the late 19th century, the Yiddish language and culture had an intensely transatlantic moment...
The Atlantic is the setting for many exchanges in the education of artists, especially painters. Since...
From the late 1950s to the late 1970s, Pelé was the leading figure in football, a sport that...
Over the course of the 20th century, literary agents have maintained an important role in the...
“Eu soube que a música era minha linguagem, mesmo. Que a música ia me levar a conhecer o mundo”. Do...
Judia, Susan Sontag nasceu em New York, estudou literatura, filosofia e teologia em renomadas...
This section examines how the movements of thinkers and ideas around the Atlantic basin produced...