Performing Arts
The Performing Arts section brings together articles examining the transatlantic exchange of objects,...
The Performing Arts section brings together articles examining the transatlantic exchange of objects,...
The US-led Pan American Union, created in 1890, is generally understood as a form of soft power...
C’est dans la ville lorraine de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, en France, que le mot America fut édité pour la...
This collection focuses on analyses of artworks and brings together articles that examine the...
An overview of the scholarly circulations of mathematics education between Europe (mainly France) and...
Mesmo em um cenário historiográfico dominado por olhares globais, o interesse no Atlântico persiste –...
Either directly or through the non-governmental institutions and actors, states have also played a...
Liberalism can be considered the first truly Atlantic ideology, in spite of undeniable national...
Various transatlantic circulations accompanied the training of Colombian engineers after the country...
Centré sur les tournées de l’artiste Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) aux Amériques et spécialement au...
Created at around the same time as football/soccer, rugby spread out from England along the pathways...
Tournée vers le continent américain dès son origine, l’Alliance française développa ses propres...
La diffusion du baseball hors du pays qui l’a vu naître peut paraître assez déroutante: très faible...
L’orientalisme hispano-américain est une dimension de la production littéraire hispanique depuis 1810....
Les littératures atlantiques ont été le véhicule privilégié de l'histoire culturelle du Monde...
Hispano-Americanism, which emerged in the 1880s and lasted throughout the twentieth century, was a...
Alors que la laïcité est souvent présentée comme "une exception française", elle est le résultat de...
Livre de lecture par excellence de l’école laïque sous la Troisième République, Le Tour de la France...
Elitist organizations such as the Linked Ring Brotherhood and the Photo-Secession were not the only...
La presse en langue étrangère, publiée d'un côté comme de l'autre de l'Atlantique, a joué un rôle...
In the eighteenth century, natural mineral springs spurred the emergence of tourism and played a...
In the second half of the 19th century, photographs circulated widely in a triangular region...
Boxing is a major modern sport. Codified in England at the end of the eighteenth century, it became a...
A major challenge for the Transatlantic Cultures project has been creating a historical periodization...
Au milieu du XIXe siècle, Alexandre Vattemare s'évertua à promouvoir en Europe et dans les Amériques...
Grupos típicos de Pernambuco, Brasil, os maracatus expressam através de música, dança e rituais,...
A rubrica reúne textos que enfrentam o desafio de refletir sobre a rede transnacional que, sobretudo a...
L’histoire du concert américain s'inscrit dans l'histoire des migrations. Vers 1850, de jeunes...
Popular music is frequently analyzed through national ‘musical genres,’ consecrated through specific...
This article explores operatic networks in the nineteenth century, with a focus on mobility between...
Between the 18th and the 21st centuries, the musical transatlantic space has profoundly changed,...
In the field of visual arts, the study of transatlantic exchange has seen recent growth in the...
Beginning in the 18th century, the field of education has been characterized by intense transatlantic...
H. Parkhurst (plan Dalton) et C. Washburne (écoles de Winnetka) sont deux pédagogues américains...
La pensée éducative de John Dewey a connu une réception contrastée au cours du siècle qui s’est écoulé...
This essay traces the cultural legacy of the Titanic disaster in 1912 in literature, art, cinema, and...
Au XIXe siècle, les missions pédagogiques constituent l’un des vecteurs majeurs de la circulation des...
À l’Exposition universelle de 1900 à Paris, les autorités états-uniennes présentent au public parisien...
The essay adresses the cordel literature as part of a broader set of popular printed literature...
Una mirada a las razones la presencia de libros e impresos en las exposiciones universales. Se...
South Atlantic is approached as a space of circulation over three distinct periods. The first begins...
In 1719, Daniel Defoe published The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. The story and the...
Les Sociétés de Géographie et autres Geographical Societies cherchèrent à faire partager à un public...
Académie Julian was founded in 1867 in Montmartre, offering students studies of live models and...
From the late 19th century, the Yiddish language and culture had an intensely transatlantic moment...
The Atlantic is the setting for many exchanges in the education of artists, especially painters. Since...
Over the course of the 20th century, literary agents have maintained an important role in the...
Garnier Booksellers-Publishers were the first international company specialized in books. It existed...
Album exchanges between American and Ottoman powers (c.1880-1910) reveal a networked history of...
Frederick Douglass’s life stood at the crossroads of the national and transatlantic connections that...
Statue of Liberty, a small film of approximately fifty seconds produced by the Thomas Edison Company,...
This section examines how the movements of thinkers and ideas around the Atlantic basin produced...