Editorial board
The editorial board is made up of 24 members, one third of whom must be renewed every three years, that include scholars in the history, sociology, and anthropology of culture, arts, entertainment, languages and literatures. The board’s composition respects gender balance, and ensures the representation of the various geographic areas, themes and disciplines encompassed by the project. It is responsible for selecting topics and authors, evaluating and editing articles published on the platform.
Project leaders
Anaïs Fléchet
Associate professor in history
Centre d'histoire culturelle des sociétés contemporaines
Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Gabriela Pellegrino Soares
Professor of Latin American History
Department of History - Faculty of Philosophy, Human Sciences and Literature
University of São Paulo
Olivier Compagnon
Professor of Contemporary History
Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique latine / CREDA UMR 7227
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Editorial board
Fabien Archambault
Didier Aubert
Clara Bouveresse
Richard Candida Smith
Olivier Compagnon
Cécile Coquet-Mokoko
Florencia Dansilio
Elina Djebbari
Anaïs Fléchet
Luiz Felipe de Alencastro
Jean-Charles Geslot
Martin Guerpin
Philippe Gumplowicz
Michael Kramer
Tania de Luca
Caroline Moine
Marie Morel
Eduardo Morettin
Marcos Napolitano
Jean-Sébastien Noël
Philip Nord
Gabriela Pellegrino Soares
Maximilien Petit
Priscila Pillatowsky
François Robinet
Moustapha Sall
Nelson Schapochnik
Cyrille Suire
Jean-Claude Yon
Marlène Arruga (LRUniv, 2020)
Oscar Osorio Gonzales (UVSQ, 2020)
Laure Benedetti (UVSQ, 2020)
Elodie Goupilleau (UVSQ, 2020-2021)
Gabriela Oliveira de Carvalho Veríssimo e Melo (USP, 2020)
Lucas Rodrigues da Silva Telis (USP, 2019-2021)
Antoine Brillet (UVSQ, 2021)
Marc-Alexis Azais, (LRUniv, 2020)
Nicolas Mary, (LRUniv, 2021)